Pandemik Covid 19 Kembali!!!

 We never know it can come back to us unexpectedly...we thought its gone for good and forever.

Hakikatnya, the virus datang balik and this time bukan main-main. Keadaan semakin teruk di Brunei sebab kelmarin dilaporkan ada 314 kes baru aktif. Sangat mengejutkan, menyedihkan dan menakutkan buat kami semua.

Sementara aku merasa semakin takut untuk keluar atau jalan ke mana-mana. Sebab keadaan sekarang tidak selamat untuk bersuka ria. 

Vaksin pun kami belum buat. In Sha Allah soon...

Sejujurnya im so afraid of the possibility that im infected with it. Im thinking about my daughter as well. I mean she is just 1 year plus. I cannot be separated with her. I just got her last year and its too heartbroken if we separate from each other. 

Please Bruneians, lets keep our heart strong and face it calmly. We dont have to make it worst by commenting or giving negative thoughts on other people. The frontline perlukan pertolongan dan kerjasama kitani untuk mencapai misi membasmi Covid 19 daripada Brunei. Lets put our hands together and kill Covid 19!!!!!!


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